

  . | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

cabinet file
A self-contained file with a .cab extension used for application installation and setup. In a cabinet file, multiple files are compressed into one file. They are commonly found on Microsoft software distribution disks.

A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access. A memory cache stores the contents of frequently accessed RAM locations and the addresses where this data is stored. When the processor references an address in memory, the cache checks to see whether it holds that address. If it does hold the address, the data is returned to the processor; if it does not hold the address, a regular memory access occurs. A cache is useful when RAM accesses are slow compared with the microprocessor speed, because cache memory is always faster than main RAM memory.

A program that allows you to enter a variety of date information including birthdays, vacations and more. Usually, this displays on the screen like a regular monthly calendar.

callback function
A function that receives messages from the operating system. Callback functions are application-defined.

In WML, a Web page is called a card. WML devices can either display the contents of a card on a single screen or, when necessary, provide scroll bars so that the entire contents of the card can be viewed.Developers need not worry about manipulating cards or decks (groups of cards) because the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit handles formatting, including pagination, for targeted devices.

A flashing line, block, or bitmap that marks the location of the insertion point in a window's client area.

cascading menu
A hierarchical graphical menu system in which a side menu of subcategories is displayed when the pointer is placed on the main category.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
The implementation of extended fonts and styles in HTML through the use of an external file usually indicated with a file name extension .css.

case match
A text search that matches the capitalization of the text string.

The list of available components within PB. These are all the components that you can drag over into your platform.

Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)
The technology used in most televisions and computer display screens. A CRT works by moving an electron beam back and forth across the back of the screen. Each time the beam makes a pass across the screen, it lights up phosphor dots on the inside of the glass tube, thereby illuminating the active portions of the screen. By drawing many such lines from the top to the bottom of the screen, it creates an entire screenful of images.

CEC File
This file describes one or more components that can be added to your platform. The catalog is the collection of all CEC files registered with a PB installation. The CEC files are installed at PBINSTROOT\cepb\cec.

Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)
A digital data transmission technology developed for cellular networks. Operating at 19.2 Kbps, it sends data over constantly changing open intervals in voice channels. If the system is busy, the data is sent when a channel opens up.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The computational and control unit of a computer. The CPU is the device that interprets and executes instructions. It has the ability to fetch, decode, and execute instructions and to transfer information to and from other resources over the computer's main data-transfer path, the bus. By definition, the CPU is the chip that functions as the "brain" of a computer. In some instances, however, the term encompasses both the processor and the computer's memory or, even more broadly, the main computer console, as opposed to peripheral equipment.

A Windows CE PC-based hardware device platform, primarily used for testing purposes.

A PC that creates an emulation environment for testing the WCEfA platform and debugging platform code. CEPC_APC is used specifically for Windows CE for Automotive platform based on the SH4 or x86 microprocessor chips.

A packet of data containing a public key and identification information. Every certificate is created and signed by Certification Authorities.

Certification Authority (CA)
An entity that attests to the identity of a person or an organization. The Certification Authority's primary function is to verify the identity of entities and issue digital certificates attesting to that identity.

An environment residing on your local computer that stores files and folders for working with an operating system image. For WCEfA, it is the Windows CE debug Shell tool, cesh.exe. This shell enables you to transfer an operating system image from the development workstation to the target platform and provides you with a set of commands to assist in debugging processes running on the automotive platform.

The Windows CE Test Kit (CETK) is a collection of built-in tests that allows you to perform functionality, stress, and performance tests on device drivers.

A subscription to a Web site that conforms to the Channel Definition Format.

Channel Definition Format (CDF)
A specification developed by Microsoft and presented to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows applications to send Web pages to users. Once a user subscribes to a CDF channel, any software that supports CDF automatically receives any new content posted on the channel's Web server.

channel script
An application written in HTML that uses Visual Basic Script, JScript, JavaScript, and other scripting languages to specify the layout and behavior of a channel.

channel synchronization
The process of first downloading Mobile Channels content into a cache using the standard Internet Explorer 4.0 channel retrieval mechanism and then transferring it onto a Windows CE-based device. Channel synchronization makes it possible for users to access Mobile Channels using either a Windows CE-based device without a radio module or a Windows-based desktop computer when the device is not readily available.

check box
An interactive control found in graphical user interfaces. Check boxes are used to enable or disable one or more features or options from a set. When an option is selected, an x or a check mark appears in the box.

child window
A window that has the WS_CHILD style. A child window always appears within the client area of its parent window.

A bitmap that represents part of a graphical control. Chips can be categorized based upon the manner in which they are rendered on the device screen and the region of the graphical control that they cover.

chip blit
The process of performing a block transfer function to place a chip onto the appropriate location of the device screen.

chip set
The set of integrated circuits that support a CPU together with the CPU itself.

1. A set of musical notes played in a given time span
2. A line segment connecting two points on a curve.

A combination of navigation controls used to perform a defined function. A chord is functionally similar to a keyboard accelerator. For example, on some Palm-size PCs, pressing and holding an Action button and then pressing an Exit button toggles the backlight.

Compact HTML is a mark-up language used on some cell phones. CHTML is a subset of HTML tags with additional tags added to enhance mobile functionality.

CIFS redirector
A module through which one computer gains access to another. Its function is to reestablish disrupted connections and to package and send remote file-system requests to host targets.

cipher block chaining (CBC)
A method of operating a symmetric block cipher that uses feedback to combine previously generated ciphertext with new plaintext. Each plaintext block is combined with the ciphertext of the previous block by a bitwise XOR before it is encrypted. Combining ciphertext and plaintext ensures that even if the plaintext contains many identical blocks, they will each encrypt to a different ciphertext block.

cipher mode
A method used to encrypt data.

Data that has been encrypted.

Class Identifier (CLSID)
A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a type of Component Object Model (COM) object. Each type of COM object item has its CLSID in the registry so that it can be loaded and used by other applications. For example, a spreadsheet may create worksheet items, chart items, and macrosheet items. Each of these item types has its own CLSID that uniquely identifies it to the system.

A tab in the Project Workspace window that displays the C++ classes defined in a project. ClassView gives you visual access to the classes and members in your project, including interfaces and dialog box resources. Expanding the folders shows the classes and expanding a class shows its members.

1. In object-oriented programming, a member of a class (group) that uses the services of another class to which it is not related.
2. A process, such as an application or task, that requests a service provided by another application. For example, a word processor that calls on a sort routine built into another application. The client process uses the requested service without having to know any working details about the other application or the service itself. 3. On a local area network or the Internet, a computer that accesses shared network resources provided by another computer, called a server.

client area
The portion of a window in which an application displays output, such as text or graphics. Also called client rectangle.

client coordinate
A coordinate that is relative to the upper-left corner of a window's client area.

clip list
A series of rectangles that describes the visible areas of the surface. The clip list cannot be set if a window handle is already associated with the DirectDrawClipper object.

A DirectDrawClipper object.

clipping region
A subregion of the client area to which output is restricted. Clipping is used in Windows CE in a variety of ways. For example, word processing and spreadsheet applications clip keyboard input to keep it from appearing in the margins of a page or spreadsheet.

code complete
The point in a project where each area is considered complete and stable enough to be tested with other areas.

Code Division Multiple Acess (CDMA)
Using military technology originally developed by the Allies in WWII, it spreads transmisions over all available frequencies. Conversations are assigned a code which is used to reassemble it upon arrival. This allows multiple calls to be carried over one channel.

code element
The smallest component of a written language that has semantic value.

code object
An instance created by a scripting engine that is associated with a named item, such as the module behind a form in Visual Basic, or a C++ class associated with a named item. Preferably, this is an OLE Component Object Model (COM) object that supports OLE Automation so that the host or other non-script entity can manipulate the code object.

code page
A file that the operating system uses to enable conversions from the ASCII character set to the Unicode character set. By default, Windows CE enables code page support based on the locales that are built into an operating system (OS) image. Each installed locale has exactly one ANSI-supported code page and one OEM-supported code page. When Windows CE changes a locale, it also changes the default ANSI and OEM code pages to match the new locale. Windows CE associates code pages to a given locale based on the code pages that are available on the system.

code value
A single 16-bit number assigned to each code element that is defined by the Unicode standard. When referred to in text, each code value is listed in hexadecimal form following the prefix U.

code-behind class
A page class contained in a code-behind file that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or mobile Web Forms application.

code-behind file
A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or mobile Web Forms application. For more information about using a code-behind file to develop your applications.

Coder-decoder. A filter that compresses or decompresses a data stream.

The logical grouping of code elements throughout the range of supported Unicode code values.

cold boot
A power state that indicates a power up when the file system is initialized and the registry is loaded from the default setting in ROM. Any previous databases, registry files, and file systems (including installed applications) are lost during a cold boot.

collection object
A grouping of exposed objects. A collection object can address multiple occurrences of an object as a unit. For example, you can use a collection object to draw a set of points.

collision detection
The process of determining if any pixels for two images share the same location on the screen.

color key
A value indicating the color to be used for transparent or translucent effects. When using a hardware blitter, for example, all of the pixels of a rectangular area will be blitted except for the value that was set as the color key, thereby creating nonrectangular sprites on a surface.

color space
A model for representing color as three or more coordinates. Color space models map color components onto a Cartesian coordinate system in three or more dimensions. A color space may use any of several types of color encoding and visualizing color. The two most common types of color space models are RGB and YUV.

Color SuperTwist Nematic (SCTN)
An LCD technology developed by Sharp Electronics Corporation. Unlike TFT, CSTN is based on a passive matrix, which is less expensive to produce. The original CSTN displays developed in the early 90's suffered from slow response times and ghosting. Recent advances in the technology, however, have made CSTN a viable alternative to active-matrix displays. New CSTN displays offer 100ms response times, a 140 degree viewing angle, and high-quality color rivaling TFT displays - all at about half the cost. A newer passive-matrix technology called High-Performance Addressing (HPA) offers even better response times and contrast than CSTN.

color table
An array of n color values (typically RGB triples).

color-space conversion
A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display.

COMmunication ports. Communication Port is the name of a serial communications port in DOS systems. DOS supports four serial ports:COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4.

COM class
The definition of an object in code. In the Component Object Model, class refers to the general object definition, whereas in C++, the class of an object is a data type.

COM object
A programming structure that includes both data and functionality. A COM object is defined and allocated as a single unit. The only public access to a COM object is through the programming structure's interfaces. At a minimum, a COM object must support the IUnknown interface, which maintains the object's existence while it is being used and provides access to the object's other interfaces.

COM port
Short for communications port, the logical address assigned by MS-DOS versions 3.3 and later, and Microsoft Windows to each of the four serial ports on an IBM personal computer or an IBM PC-compatible computer. COM ports also have come to be known as the actual serial ports on a computer's CPU where peripherals, such as printers, scanners, and external modems, are plugged in.

combo box
A control that combines an edit control with a list box. This allows the user to type in an entry or choose one from the list.

command band
A rebar control with a fixed band at the top that contains a toolbar with a Close (X) button, an OK button, and optionally, a Help (?) button in the upper-right corner.

command bar
A control window that can contain buttons, combo boxes, and menu bars. Windows CE–based applications can use a command bar rather than a separate menu and toolbar to efficiently use available screen space.

command prompt build window
A command prompt window on a development workstation that is opened by double-clicking on a window shortcut. In the command prompt build window, you can call the Build Demo tool, Blddemo.bat, to create Windows CE components, generate source code, copy files to a release directory, and make an operating system image. You can create command prompt build windows for any of your platforms. Also called build window.

commands block
A group of lines in a makefile file that contain one or more commands, each on its own line. No blank line can appear between the dependency or rule and the commands block. However, a line containing only spaces or tabs can appear; this line is interpreted as a null command, and no error occurs. Blank lines are permitted between command lines.

Common Application Programming Interface (CAPI)
CAPI is an application programming interface standard that is used to access ISDN (see ISDN) equipment. When an application wants to communicate with an ISDN card it sends a standard series of commands to the card. These commands form the CAPI standard and give developers and users a chance to use a well-defined mechanism for communications over ISDN lines without being forced to adjust to hardware idiosyncrasies.

common control
A standardized child window that an application uses in conjunction with another window to perform input/output tasks. A common control enables users to view and organize information and to set or change attributes and properties. Most common controls send the WM_NOTIFY message.

Common Flash Interface (CFI) Specification
A description that provides size and formatting information for linear flash memory.

Common Internet File System (CIFS)
A standard proposed by Microsoft that would compete directly with Sun Microsystems' Web Network File System. A system of file sharing of Internet or intranet files.

Common Object File Format (COFF)
In 32-bit programming, a format for executable and object files that is portable across platforms. The Microsoft implementation of COFF is derived from the UNIX specification for COFF, but includes additional headers for compatibility with the MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows operating systems. The Microsoft version is also called the portable executable (PE) file format.

Compact Flash
A group of related technologies for providing long-term storage through various types of nonvolatile memory.

comparison evaluator
A filter that compares a device capability name to a value.

complex surface
The collective term for several DirectDrawSurface objects, all of which are attached to a root surface. The complex-surface structure can be destroyed only by destroying the root.

A group of related functions that implement a particular feature of the Windows CE operating system, for example printing. A component is a subset of a module. The feature set of a Windows CE-based platform depends on which modules and components it supports. In the Platform Builder integrated development environment (IDE), both modules and components are considered components. Platform view displays all of the components in a platform.

Component Object Model (COM)
An open architecture for cross-platform development of client/server applications. It is based on object-oriented technology as agreed upon by Digital Equipment Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. COM defines the interface, similar to an abstract base class, IUnknown, from which all COM-compatible classes are derived.

A tab in the Platform Workspace window that displays the components in a platform.

composite bitmap
One, complex image composed of multiple images superimposed onto each other.

composite control
A custom server control that consists of a custom collection of other server controls as child controls.

compound file
A number of individual files bound together in one physical file where each individual file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file.

1. One of the Windows CE module and component combinations that are included in Platform Builder, for example, Minkern.
2. The type of executable file-release or debug-that Platform Builder creates when building a project.

configuration directory
The directory containing the directories and files for a Windows CE configuration.

configuration file
A text file that contains source or image-specific build settings.

connect to PC
Connection to a PC allows you to transfer information between your digital assistant your computer. In some cases, you must use software that comes wity your PDA. In others, you can transfer files the same way you do on your PC.

connection-based session
A communications session that requires a connection to be established between hosts prior to an exchange of data.

connectionless session
A communications session that does not require a connection to be established between hosts prior to an exchange of data.

console application
1. A program that runs from the operating system's command line, in character-mode, rather than from a graphical user interface.
2. In Platform Builder, a character-mode application that uses a console window for its input and output. If necessary, the operating system creates a new console window that exists until the application terminates.

console window
A window that allows user input and displays output for a console application.

Contacts database
A collection of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information stored on a Windows CE device by the Contacts application. The database is divided into a set of records called address cards. The database contains any number of address cards, limited only by the amount of memory available on the device.

A network resource that contains other resources.

container control
A type of mobile Web Forms control that contains other controls and is used to provide visual groupings of controls and content.

content provider
A control or other mechanism that is used to populate a graphical list with list elements.

Contract button
Restores a window in docked mode to its previous size.

A standardized child window on the screen that can be manipulated by the user to perform an action or display information. The most common controls are buttons, which allow the user to select options, and scroll bars, which allow the user to move through a document or position text in a window.

control code
One or more nonprinting characters used by a computer program to control the actions of a device.

control identifier
A value that uniquely identifies a control.

control style
A value, similar to a window style, that specifies the appearance and behavior of a control. The window procedure for the control uses the style to determine how to draw the control and process input.

control template
A template associated with a control.

A series of related interactions, intended to execute with minimal interruptions. A conversation is an element of the Automotive Speech System.

A block of data a Web server stores on a client system. When a Web client user returns to the Web server site, the browser sends a copy of the cookie to the server. Cookies identify users, instruct the server to send a customized version of the requested Web page, submit account data for the user, and fulfill other administrative purposes.

core tree
A file folder structure that contains all the public code and binaries that are part of the OS, Add-on pack, or Windows CE for Automotive. It is located under _WINCEROOT\public. For example, the common, dcom, ie, apcie, apc, apcmax, maxall, and any other directories installed by PB are core trees. Any directories created when you use the WCE platform wizard are not core trees.

CPU independent path
A path used in many places throughout the Windows CE directory structure that is based on CPU family, CPU, OS, and debug/retail. Examples are SHx\SH4\CE\Retail and x86\i486\NT\Debug. Anything that is processor or OS specific is built somewhere into a path ending like this. For example, Debug OS code for the Intel platform is located at _WINCEROOT\public\common\oak\lib\x86\i486\ce\debug. CPUINDPATH is set to this path in the default make file.

CPU support package (CSP)
A package that consists of an OAL and device drivers to support a given CPU or CPU companion chipset regardless of what hardware board or hardware platform they are on.

A stand that holds a handheld device in an upright position to allow work on a desktop and initiate synchronization with a PC.

Data used by a principal to establish the identity of the principal, such as a password or user name.

critical process monitor
A system service in Windows CE for Automotive that keeps critical processes and threads running at all times. The CPM includes software, firmware, and hardware.

critical section
An object that protects a section of code from being accessed by more than one thread. A critical section is limited to only one process or dynamic-link library (DLL) and cannot be shared with other processes.

Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP)
An independent module that performs cryptographic operations, such as creating and destroying keys. A cryptographic service provider consists of, at a minimum, a dynamic-link library (DLL) and a signature file.

A small bitmap whose location on the screen is controlled by a pointing device, such as a mouse, pen, or trackball. Some Windows CE-based platforms support only the wait cursor-the spinning hourglass.

Custom applications
Software installed on a device that was not part of its original package (or suite) of applications and that has been developed for a specific job or industry (e.g., hospital data).

custom command
A speech command that is trained by the user. A custom command has a speaker-dependent template.