Wallpapers                                                                                  [<--]

Generated by others users

Here are some wallpapers generated by other Jornada users. Download the zip file you are interested in, then extract and copy the ".BMP" file you want to set as wallpaper in the "\Windows" folder of your machine using "ActiveSync".
Run the "Control Panel", tap on "Display" and select the copied file.





6 images - zip size = 451Ko
       Author:  Russ Jordan








8 images - zip size = 378Ko
       Author:  Jacek Macznik




4 image - zip size = 85Ko
       Author:  Jérico Camino


2 image - zip size = 97Ko
       Author:  Dante Swank (Mike)








8 images - zip size = 646Ko
       Author:  Michal Markielowski

1 images - zip size = 69Ko
       Author:  Glen Hawksworth

1 images - zip size = 34Ko
       Author:  Marcus L. Rowland









9 images - zip size = 417Ko
       Author:  Michael Lee Hicks



3 images - zip size = 392Ko
       Author:  Brandon McRee